Road signage

There are five types of roadway signs, including: regulatory, warning, information, miscellaneous, and temporary construction signs.

Council is responsible for the installation and maintenance of most road signs on our region's roads. Council strives to maximise the effectiveness of the region's roadway signs and balance maximum sign effectiveness, public safety, and performance while maintaining financial responsibility.
Council acknowledges that all signs cannot be maintained in perfect condition due to financial and practical constraints. The timing of maintenance and inspections will be planned within the scope of the current operating budget, to balance safety and appearance.

More information available in Council's Sign Inspection and Replacement Policy

Regulatory signs

Regulatory signs include stop signs, give-way signs, school crossings, hospital, pedestrian, accessible parking, loading, speed limit signs and no parking signs. 
Council does not approve regulatory speed limits within the region, such approval rests with the Transport for NSW. Council may implement temporary speed limits adjacent to road works from time to time.
Council staff will work with the applicant and gather the pertinent facts for requested changes or additions to regulatory signage. A report may be prepared and submitted to the Local Traffic Committee, who will make a recommendation to Council.

Warning signs

Warning signage can include speed advisory warnings, curve or turn warnings, blind driveway warnings, pedestrian, school, school crossing, and school bus stop warnings, advance crossing warnings (kangaroos, bicycles), senior citizen warnings, crest warnings, give way ahead, signals ahead, and no through road.

Traffic analysis, engineering, and property use facts and data shall be reviewed when considering warning signs. In the absence of supporting facts and data, warning signs will not be erected on the region's roads.
Warning signs on state roads, including the Castlereagh Highway and Sofala Road, will be subject to approval by Transport for NSW. 

More information available in Council's Regulatory and Warning Signage Policy

Tourism attraction and directional signs

Council is committed to providing a quality tourism experience for visitors to the region. An important part of that experience is the ability to move easily throughout the region via a range of consistent and professional signs. This includes the use of traditional brown/white tourism signs, blue/white or yellow tourist information signs and designated tourist trails. In addition, Council aims to provide quality, accessible information to visitors via a series of roadside tourism information bays placed throughout the region and in the urban centres.
More information available in Council's Information and Directional Signage Policy