Community Plan

The Community Plan is the highest level plan prepared by Council on behalf of the community.
Council has adopted the Towards 2040 Community Plan where the future vision for the Mid-Western Region was developed collaboratively with the community. The Mid-Western Region Towards 2040 Community Plan sets out the community’s vision for the future – where we are, where we want to be and how we will get there.
Our 5 Key Themes
The Community Plan is planned and executed under 5 key themes:
Looking After Our Community
Activities and initiatives that produce vibrant towns and villages with a rich history, a safe and healthy community, and a strong sense of community pride.
This includes a focus on:
- Libraries
- Pools
- Heritage
- Development
- Public Art
- Sports Facilities
- Family Day Care
- Animal Control
- Parks & Gardens
- Public Amenities
- Community Halls & Buildings
- Aged Services
- Youth Services
Protecting Our Natural Environment
Working towards conserving and promoting the natural beauty of our region
This includes a focus on:
- Water supply
- Drainage/Flood Management
- Environmental Initiatives
- Recycling
- Energy Efficiency
- Noxious Weeds
- Sewerage Management
- Waste Facilities & Services
- Biodiversity & Natural Heritage
Building A Strong Local Economy
Supporting the development of a prosperous and diversified economy delivering lifestyle benefits to the community through employment, income and sustainable economic growth.
This includes a focus on:
- Tourism
- Employment
- Business Support
- Economic Diversity
- Attracting New Residents
- Major Events
- Education & Skills
- Investment
- Marketing & Promotion
- Economic Infrastructure
Connecting Our Region
Focussing on linking our towns and villages and connecting our regions to the rest of NSW.
This includes a focus on:
- Quality Road Network
- Traffic Management
- Airport Services
- Transport Services
- Communication Networks
- Bike Paths & Walkways
- Parking
Good Government
Ensuring a strong Council that is representative of our community and effective in meeting the needs of the community.
This includes a focus on:
- Community Engagement
- Advocacy
- Grants
- Governance
- Communication
- Corporate Planning
- Financial Management
- Participation in Council Decision Making
Each of these themes provides an economic, social or business benefit to the local community.
The outcomes of the plan not only determine the priorities for the region into the coming years but the services and projects Council will focus on in that time. A Resourcing Strategy including Long Term Financial Plan, Workforce Strategy and Asset Management Plan together with a Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Annual Report will complete the reporting framework.
Download a complete copy of the Community Plan(PDF, 5MB)
Community Engagement
The process of community engagement plays a critical role in the ongoing review and development of the Community Strategic Plan and Council’s associated Integrated Planning and Reporting documents. The information obtained during community engagement helps to inform Council in setting their key strategies and actions over the next 4 years. A range of tools and resources are utilised in Community Engagement.
Download the Community Engagement Strategy(PDF, 3MB)
Long Term Financial Plan
The purpose of the Long Term Financial Plan for Mid-Western Regional Council (Council) is to provide a framework to assist future decision making that will secure the economic sustainability of the organisation and ensure adequate funds are generated into the future to achieve desirable outcomes for the community.
The Long Term Financial Plan is a decision making tool and addresses areas that impact on Council’s ability to fund services and capital works, while living within its means and ensuring financial sustainability. This plan focuses on Council’s long-term goal of financial sustainability and delivering quality services, infrastructure and outcomes for the community. The plan will be dynamic in nature and subject to continual review to ensure changing community expectations are met.
Download the Long Term Financial Plan
Asset Management Strategy
The Asset Management Strategy (AMS) is designed to provide a plan to manage Councils physical assets including setting parameters for asset selection, maintenance, inspection and renewal which plays a key role in determining the operational performance and sustainability of Council.
This Asset Management Strategy makes up a part of the Council Resourcing Strategy as required by the Local Government Integrated Planning and Reporting framework:
Asset Management Planning incorporates an Asset Management Policy, Asset Management Strategy and Asset Management Plans.
Download the Asset Management Strategy
Delivery Program and Operational Plan
The Delivery Program details all of the principal activities Council will undertake over the next four years to achieve the goals established in the Community Plan. The Operational Plan and sets out the annual projects and activities budgets.
Download the 2024/25 Delivery Program and Operational Plan
Workforce Strategy
The Workforce Strategy is an essential element of the Resourcing Strategy and will align to the Community Strategic Plan by ensuring that Council has the right number of people with the right skills doing the right jobs at the right time to meet the expectations outlined in the Delivery Program.
The Workforce Strategy sets out the issues, analysis, actions and strategies that are required over the next four years to ensure we have the workforce resources in place to facilitate the Delivery Program.
Download the Workforce Strategy(PDF, 2MB)