Conditions of Access - Authority Issue for Waste Transfer Stations

Waste Transfer Stations are for residential use only (household waste and recycling only). Please contact council for more information on how to dispose of commercial/business or bulky goods.

  • SALTO KS app is required to use the Digital Key. App available in Google Play and App Store (Android/iOS)
  • Proof of residency (within MWRC LGA) is to be provided to Council for access to be issued access to Waste Transfer Stations
  • Access for out of LGA may be available to those within 10km by road from Waste Transfer Station. Annual fee to be paid. Application in writing must be approved prior to access being issued
  • Waste Transfer Stations MUST be locked after each use
  • Waste Transfer Stations MUST be left in a tidy condition following use. All waste must go in appropriate bin with no waste to be left on ground
  • Damage caused/found to Waste Transfer Stations MUST be reported immediately to Council
  • All Waste Transfer Stations are under surveillance and surveillance will be used to investigate incorrect use of site
  • Keys, fobs or digital key no longer required, MUST be promptly returned/advised to Council so that issue records/this form against your name can be cleared
  • Council’s Access Policy states that regular key and alarm audits of issues will be conducted
  • I understand that I am responsible for the key/fob/ digital key safe-keeping
  • I understand the key/fob/ digital key issued to me MUST NOT be used by another person not living at the nominated residence and I must not allow access to the waste site by others.
  • I understand if I lose the issued key/fob/ digital key I MUST immediately notify Councils Waste Department and I will be responsible for the cost of replacing the access type
  • Key/fob/digital key must be returned on request by MWRC