Pollution monitoring

Council conducts regular reporting on potential pollution from the Mudgee Waste Facility, in line with the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) under the Protection of the Environment Act 1997

The Mudgee Waste Facility operates under EPA license number 6348. For more information about Environmental Protection licenses visit the EPA website


Pollution Incident Response Management Plan

Council’s waste services operate in line with the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act) and the Pollution Incident Report Management Plan (PIRMP) reflects the requirements specified in the Environment Protection Authority’s (EPA’s) Guidelines: Preparation of pollution incident response management plans, 2012.

The PIRMP details:

  • Procedures for notifying a pollution incident to relevant persons
  • Actions to be taken to reduce and/or control pollution, and
  • Procedures for coordinating those notified and any action taken in combating pollution

Download Pollution Incident Response Management Plan(PDF, 1MB)